Child and Teen Therapy
We provide therapy for children and teens who have problems with their behavior, emotions, thoughts and relationships.
Therapists work with their young clients on many specific concerns including anxiety, depression, social skills, behavior, adjustment to divorce and/or blended families, and problems at school.
Individual therapy with children and teens gives them a chance to talk about their problems one-on-one with a therapist, often during therapeutic play activities. Therapy will look different depending on the age and development of the child, but will almost always include contact with the parent/caregiver. For more information about when and how therapy can be useful, read 7 Signs Your Child Should See a Therapist.
We also welcome parents/caregivers who want help with the challenges of raising children. Often, issues that affect one family member affect all. In that case, therapists work with children and their parents/guardians to learn new ways of relating to each other; this work sometimes includes siblings, as well. For more information about what to expect when the family is seen together, read What is Family Therapy?
Other times, parents/caregivers want to learn better ways of dealing with concerns about their child’s behavior. We tailor treatment to what makes sense for your family, usually with some form of behavioral parent training. Information about what this may look like is found in the following material, What Is Behavioral Parent Training?